最近又开始写qqbot,因为OPQBot针对linux/amd64平台做出了限制,很多东西无法实现,而我手上除了一台vps以外又没有其他平台的机子用来24h跑bot,所以想到在Docker的跨平台容器里跑opq About Buildx BuildKit是下一代的Docker镜像构建工具,来源于Moby/BuildKit。在最新的Docker De…
Background 最近有个项目需要跑深度学习,懒狗懒得装双系统,于是尝试在wsl中解决。搜了一些资料后发现win10的开发者预览版中支持wsl2使用cuda,就开始折腾了。 安装步骤 1. 安装Win10预览版系统 依次进入设置->更新与安全->Windows预览体验计划,将预览版本切换到Dev Channel,然后检查更新,安装到最新版本。(…
304 日 , 2021 20:00
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

For what it’s worth, it’s never too late, or, in my case, never too early to be whoever you want to be.

There’s no time limit.

Start whenever you want.

You can change or stay the same.

There are no rules to this thing.

We can make the best or the worst of it.

And I hope you make the best of it.

I hope you see things that startle you.

I hope you feel the things you never felt before.

I hope you meet people with a different point of view.

I hope you live a life you’re proud of.

And if you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.

107 日 , 2021 23:24
Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021!
2020过去了,又浑浑噩噩的过了一年,写一些东西记录一下今年发生的事 Competitions 被拉着打了mcm2020,拖了后腿,只拿了s。比较失望,不过也算意料之中吧,确实不太会。 ccpc长春站,队友要考试带走电脑,两个小时跑路,摸了个铜。 jscpc江苏省赛,银尾,正常发挥 icpc上海站,少了个签到题B,银->铜。L想到了正解,未证…